Tag Archives: writing

Writing Job or Hobby

Writing is a part of everyone’s life. Every one of us has had to write an article, a composition or a letter to a loved one, at least once in our lives. In schools, it is as common task as learning how to count or memorize multiplication tables. Yet as people grow old, some continue on to write until old age while some completely shun writing as if it’s a burden one needs to keep away from as much as possible. The difference between who you are […]

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Writing as a Freelancer

Working at home as a writer is one of the largest work at home categories. Being a freelance writer has traditionally been a work at home job, and now that working at home is becoming more popular, there have been more writers in the industry. If you like to write and have a good grasp of the English language, you will never be at a loss for the work at home writing jobs. Starting your career as a work at home writer is as easy as doing […]

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Make Money Writing Articles – How to Avoid Scams

If you want to make money writing articles online, there is a good chance that you will turn to the internet in search of paying clients. Unfortunately, you are likely to come across a number of scams along the way. Writing articles for money is a great work-at-home opportunity, but, work-at-home opportunities are often common fronts for scammers. So, how can you avoid these scams? You may be surprised just how easy it is. First, it is important to know what types of scams are out there. […]

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Finding Web Writing Jobs

If you’ve decided that working as a Wahm writer is the best work at home job opportunity for you, then you’ll need to figure out how to get writing assignments. Fortunately, when you work as a web writer there is no shortage of job opportunities. It all depends on where you look and how much research you are willing to do. Web writing can break down into several different categories. Before you begin looking for work, you’ll have to decide whether or not you want to get […]

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A Writers Guide to Finding Freelance Writing Jobs

Writers are very much in demand these days because of the rising demands for their online content. The pay is oftentimes better and the hours are not so long. Many even freelance full-time. Freelance writing extends to several different categories. Before you begin looking for work, you’ll have to decide whether or not you want to get credit for your writing. If you insist on a byline, you may have difficulty finding a lot of paying jobs. Byline jobs are out there if you look. However, the […]

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Writing for a Magazine

All of us have our own way of making ends meet. Some people work a nine to five job while others earn sales commissions by recruiting others to work for them. But if selling is not your niche and writing happens to be it, perhaps you should write for a magazine company. Most magazines hire people who graduated with a degree in Journalism. But it takes a special skill to write about airplanes, cars, medicine and computers. This is where you come in because if you are […]

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How to Get Started Writing Articles

If you are a new or budding writer, then you may be wondering how to get started writing articles. The first and most important rule of writing is simply to write what you know. That is not to say that you cannot research subjects to get a better idea of the needed content, but it is always best to have some previous knowledge of the topic before you accept the job. Many people are terrific writers, but still struggle with how to get started writing articles for […]

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How to Find Article Writing Jobs

Are you looking for ways to make money writing articles online? If you are, you will find that there are two main approaches that you can take. These approaches include writing for yourself or obtaining clients to write for. If you are looking for quick payments, you will want to find clients who pay you to write articles for them. So, how you can do so? Online, you will find a number of job boards. These boards are often similar in style to online message boards, but […]

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